Private Appointments: Specialist Assessment For Autism And Therapy For Neurodivergent Children and Young People
Diagnostic Assessments:
We are now accepting private referrals for formal autism diagnostic assessments for children and young people. We appreciate waiting lists can be long and how difficult it can be to wait for diagnostic assessments. Our experienced team can help – we follow NICE guidelines to provide our assessment service and offer a multidisciplinary team approach to every young person and family.
If autism, ADHD or another neurodivergent diagnosis has been made, and you’d like some additional support, we may be able to help. We have a highly experienced and friendly team – and we can help you to figure out which one of these people would be best suited to support you and your child. Once we receive your self-referral, our team will be in touch to discuss what we may be able to offer. We can help you to explore things such as sensory differences, communication and social interaction, anxiety and other mental health difficulties, issues around schooling, understanding of autism/ADHD and what a diagnosis means to you and your family, and many more things.
If you would like to find out more please get in touch by using the form below, or emailing or telephone 01904 412 551 (option 3)