The Retreat gains national recognition for high quality therapy

The Retreat has a history of delivering innovative, compassionate mental healthcare. However, despite our 229-year (and counting!) legacy, we are never content to rest on reputation alone – we continuously look for ways to improve our service.

We are delighted to announce we have received official recognition from the Accreditation Programme for Psychological Therapies Services (APPTS). The programme was co-created by The Royal College of Psychiatrists and The British Psychological Society, providing a benchmark for high quality therapy services in the UK. The Quality Standards are aligned with the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) Key Lines of Enquiry and reflect current research and best practice guidelines. To achieve accreditation, we were required to demonstrate – through a rigorous external process – that we are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led, meeting 76 quality standards. The review included feedback from those using our services, therapists, service leads and professionals from external mental health services.

What does this mean for The Retreat?

The APPTS provides an impartial, third-party evaluation of our service which we welcomed. Our Adult Psychological Therapies Service met the challenge, to reaffirm our status as one of Yorkshire’s most trusted providers and mental health champions.

The award is a badge of honour for us and our staff, testament to the work that they do. We’re incredibly proud of our team, even more so as we were awarded the accreditation on our very first application. A huge thank you to all our staff, our Experts by Experiences, and our Board of Trustees for their valued contributions.

As always, we deliver our services with a strong foundation of Quaker values, through compassion, collaboration and community building. We are passionate about helping people, giving them hope, and building resilience: our award status is proof of our ongoing commitment to providing best-in-class psychotherapy services.

What does it mean for you?

If you are considering talking to someone about your experiences, perhaps for the first time, or if you are currently in therapy, you need to know that the person with whom you are working can be trusted, that they can walk with you on your journey and – ultimately – help you to move forward. In short, accreditation means that you don’t have to take our word for it. It illustrates we have done the work; we have the evidence to back it up, and we measure up to the highest national standards.

We have cause to celebrate, yet this award is not solely for us – it’s for you, to see and to know that we can offer evidence-based, effective and high-quality psychotherapy to support your mental health.

We’re here for you.

If you want to know more about The Retreat’s services, to make a referral or book an appointment with us, please call 01904 412 551 or email