What is stress and how can you reduce it?

We all have to deal with stress within our lives, whether this be daily issues or a significant event that causes undue pressure. When consistently dealing with stress on a daily basis in high volumes and failing to deal with this, we are at risk of ‘burnout‘. A new study commissioned by Asana, revealed that three-quarters of UK workers (75 per cent) were reported to have suffered with burnout in 2020.

What is stress and what causes it?

Stress is the body’s reaction to mental or emotional pressure. Hans Selye defined stress as “a response of the body to any, whether it is caused by, or results in, pleasant or unpleasant conditions”.

Symptoms of stress are considered as the physical changes our body makes as it goes into fight or flight mode. These include fatigue, muscle pains, chest pains and high blood pressure, sweating and many more. When we face a particularly stressful event and our body reacts accordingly, it is considered to be acute stress. When we face this over a long period of time through stressful and traumatic events, or daily life pressures that become overwhelming, we then consider this as chronic stress.

What things can you do to help reduce stress?

1. Consider what demands you can reduce, or what you can ask others to help with.

2. Make time for yourself each day.

3. Journaling.

4. Take everything one step at a time.

5. Learn and practice positive self-talk.

6. Use relaxation techniques.

7. Stay connected with others.

8. Exercise and eat a balanced diet.

9. Be kind to yourself.

10. Talk to someone.

How we can help

If you would prefer to speak to someone with professional experience, we have qualified therapists who can help you to understand and manage symptoms of stress.

All of our therapies are available at our clinics in York, Manchester and online.

If you would like to find out more please get in touch by using the form below, or emailing york@theretreatclinics.org.uk or manchester@theretreatclinics.org.uk.