Anger: Symptoms & Support in York, Manchester & online

What is Anger?

Anger is a natural emotion towards perceived threats, in any environment when you my feel defensive or protective. This can be a physical threat or a threat to your beliefs.

It is normal to feel angry sometimes when you are experiencing a frustrating situation, and in some cases, anger can be a productive emotion, helping you identify problems or express passion. Regulating this emotion, so you do not hurt yourself or others around you is a key to managing your feelings.

Experiencing anger becomes an issue when it’s consistently displayed and starts to impact your everyday life and how you interact with people. It can be hard to keep your feelings in check and being overwhelmed by anger may leave you unable to control yourself and communicate with others.


Symptoms of Anger

Outside pressure, such as stresses at work or financial pressures, can lead to feeling angry, but it is also important to recognise that it can be a symptom of underlying issues such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If these feelings bubble up without a clear reason it useful to seek professional help.

It is important to understand that feeling angry does not make you an irrational person, as the cause of your feelings may not be obvious.



Expressions of anger:

Physical or verbal outbursts


Negative self-talk

Tense muscles

Clenching your jaw

Heightened irritability

Difficulty concentrating

Being overly argumentative

Feeling hot or sweaty



How to deal with Anger

There are helpful techniques that can be used to help someone struggling to modulate their anger, to feel more in control and return to a more relaxed emotional state.

Everyone’s situation is different, so it is often helpful to try a range of methods to discover what works best, to help feel more confident and able to cope if you feel anger overwhelming you.

The most important thing is to talk about what you think is causing the feeling to people around you who you trust, which often helps calm these feelings and see clearly what is making you feel this way.

Removing yourself from situations which trigger these feelings, such as crowds, pubs or from antagonistic company, may give you the space to work through your thoughts safely.

It is important to know what you feel is often valid, and you have the right to speak up when your environment is impacting how you feel. If you feel comfortable, have a conversation about your anger and work together to recognise and overcome these situations.



How we can help with Anger

Whilst it is normal to feel anger, a combination of issues such as financial stress, difficult relationships, or lack of control may result in you feeling angry more and more quickly. If your feelings do not ease through talking and exploring ways to help manage it, it may be time to seek professional help.

Our team of expert therapists can offer you a range of specialist psychological therapies to suit your needs. Our starting point for therapy is to offer an individual consultation to think with you about your worries or concerns and identify the approach to therapy that is most likely to help.

As an independent therapy service, we are delighted to be able to provide a highly personalised approach, informed by clinical research and best practice, professional expertise, and your own preferences.

We understand that seeking therapy can be daunting and that taking the first step can be challenging. We have a team of trained experts who can work with you to design a bespoke and flexible treatment that works best for you, which is available at our clinics in York, Manchester and online.

Please get in touch using the form below to find out more about how we can help.

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