Relationship Problems: Signs & Support in York, Manchester & online

What are Relationship Problems?

It is natural to have ups and down in your relationships, whether it be with your partner, friends, work colleagues or family members, but you shouldn’t be feeling that the bad often outweighs the good.

Having good quality, healthy relationships with the people in our lives can help us feel happier, give us a sense of belonging, and reap long term benefits in our mental health.

Positive relationships include good communication and should be based on equality, respect and trust. Sometimes these things can take time to establish, but it is important to remember that you should always feel safe in a relationship.

Unhealthy relationships can come in many different forms, but are often characterised by elements of control, dependence, dishonesty, disrespect, blame, intimidation, and poor communication. These ‘red flags’ can indicate an unhealthy relationship.

You might have heard of the term ‘toxic relationship’, which is often used to describe a relationship that makes you feel unsupported, misunderstood, demeaned, or attacked. Sometimes these might be obvious, for example relationships that involve physical or verbal abuse, but often the signs are more subtle and difficult to recognise.


Signs of problems in your Relationships

You are giving more than you receive – you may feel devalued and depleted if the relationship is one-sided.

You feel consistently disrespected or that your needs aren’t being met.

You are starting to lose your self-esteem.

You feel exhausted, angry, or low after spending time or communicating with the other person.

You feel dependent on this person.

You feel that you can’t be yourself or feel ‘on edge’ around this person.

You spend a lot of time and emotional strength trying to cheer them up.

You are made to feel as though you are always to blame.

Repeat instances of undermining, manipulative comments or judgements.

You find it hard to feel heard and feel unable to properly communicate with this person.

You feel intimidated by this person or are being verbally, physically or emotionally abused.

Sometimes temporary unhealthy behaviours can emerge during times of stress or poor mental health. But when there are persistent patterns of unhealthy behaviours, which may worsen over time, then this can indicate that something needs to change.


How to deal with Relationship Problems

When you care about or love someone, it can be easy to overlook problems within your relationship, but your wellbeing in your relationship deserves attention.

If you feel angry or afraid, bring your attention to your breath and do not communicate with the person until you feel calm

Often in toxic relationships you might be made to feel isolated, but it is important talk to other people who you trust to support you.


How we can help with your Relationship Problems

No relationship is perfect, and they take work, but if you are feeling persistently unhappy and have started to notice a few of those ‘red flags’, then it may be time to take action.

If you’re worried about your relationship and how it’s making you feel, it’s worth talking it over with someone who can provide expert knowledge and help you work through what is going on.

Our team of expert therapists can offer you a range of specialist psychological therapies to suit your needs. Our starting point for therapy is to offer an individual consultation to think with you about your worries or concerns and identify the approach to therapy that is most likely to help.

As an independent therapy service, we are delighted to be able to provide a highly personalised approach, informed by clinical research and best practice, professional expertise, and your own preferences.

We understand that seeking therapy can be daunting and that taking the first step can be challenging. We have a team of trained experts who can work with you to design a bespoke and flexible treatment that works best, which is available at our clinics in York, Manchester and online.

Please get in touch using the form below to find out more about how we can help.

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